Sunday, September 18, 2005

Soy estudiante de espanol

There you have it---my first Spanish post. Are you impressed? Jim and I are taking Spanish I at a local high school. We've talked about it often, even have audio tapes and a computer program, but we don't even listen to them! We/I decided to take the class because I have a Gold Card (that's just a fancy way of saying Senior Citizen discount) and it only cost me $39.00. My much younger husband had to pay full price. We have NOT been practicing or studying.... just like in high school. We listened to an audio tape on the way to church, but they talk way
to o o fast. Mas despacio, por favor!!! Classes are on Monday so I'll keep you posted. Adios!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Hero's Sunday 2005

Apparently I've developed a reputation as a story teller at my church . This is the "Story" I told on Sept 11th 2005 which we called Hero's Sunday .

By Judie Abernathy As told to Pathway Community Church
Heroes Sunday
Sept.11, 2005

Today we celebrate, remember and honor our heroes

But, what makes a hero? How big is he? Where does she live? Exactly what do they look like? Tall? Short? Muscular? Skinny? Young? Old?

Is Wonder Woman a hero?

Superman? Most of us think of Christopher Reeve as Superman. He truly was a hero. After his accident her continued to live his life with courage and dignity. Even after his death, the handicapped van he used was donated to a young man who was also a quadriplegic. I’m sure he thought of Christopher Reeve as a hero as do we all.

The Bible calls hero’s…”Mighty Men of Valor”. There are many references to men who encountered danger with bravery.

In 1Samual 17: 32 the Bible tell us that when David heard that a Philistine was threatening Saul’s army (which included his brothers) David said, ”Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll go fight this Philistine!’. Now some would say this was stupidity, not valor, an still David, too small for the kings armor –too small carry Saul’s sword - killed Goliath with 1 little stone! Now if you were standing in the valley of Elah that day, you too would have called David a hero!
An African revolutionary raised by a wealthy family led an uprising that liberated his people from slavery. It must have taken great courage to stand before Pharaoh and said, “Let my people go.” The Bible tells us that Moses even thought he “was not eloquent enough---slow of speech. (Exodus 4:10) But I don’t see in one place in scripture where anyone else spoke for him. Surely Moses was a hero to the more than 600,000 Israelites as they marched out of Egypt
1. The dictionary defines hero as: A man distinguished by courage, nobility and strength
Four years ago today 19 men hijacked 4 jetliners and our American sense of comfort and flew them into infamy.. As hundreds fled the burning buildings of the World Trade Center a parade of emergency vehicles raced toward the buildings. As people were coming down the stairs fleeing to safety—policemen and firemen were going UP the stairs---without regard to their safety. 343 Firefighters and 23 New York City policemen died that day. We said we would NEVER FORGET that day and we must not forget. They were all Heroes!

19 year old Phillip Edwards of Elk Grove Village was so moved by the events of September 11th that shortly after he enlisted in the United States Marine Corp determined to protect the US citizens from another such attack on our freedom. On April 8th 2003, 20 year old Lance Cpl Phillip Edwards was killed in Iraq. He had been married less than a year. He was a hero.

As of today, 1895 US military personal have been killed in Iraq. 77 of those were from Illinois. ALL ARE HEROS!

On August 2nd of this year, As terrified passengers fled the burning Air France jet, Guy Ledez stood atop a muddy ravine pulling survivors from the wreckage. He helped the elderly up the slippery slope and passed babies to those on top of the hill. He then ran on board the burning wreckage of Flight 358 to make sure no one was left behind.
He was the manager of a car rental agency at Montreal airport. Courage? Nobility? Strength? He didn’t have time to think about it. I’m sure wheh he got up that morning he hadn’t expected to be a hero----yet he was.

In early August, 12 year old Ryan Sullivan and his mother were in a Walmart parking lot when Ryan’s mother had a seizure and stepped on the gas. The car reached a speed estimated to be near 60 miles an hour and was heading right for other cars and people. Ryan unbuckled his seatbelt and jumped into his mothers lap, pushed her foot off the accelerator and was able to stop the car before it injured or killed anyone. A 12 year old hero.

Ordinary People – Extraordinary Heroes

On August 16th 2005, 4 Chicago police officers rushed into a burning building to rescue an unconscious man trapped by thick smoke. They didn’t start out the day thinking they would become heroes. Yet their efforts saved another’s life.

Hurricane Katrina has brought us a whole new definition of what a hero is. Who could have even imagined the events that happened 2 weeks ago? People who never even thought about being heroes have emerged from everyday life.

Shandra Earl of Baton Rouge, LA went to a shelter to find a family. Not her own family---just any family. She took in 11 members of an extended family into her modest home. ……”Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unaware.” (Heb 13:2) She’s a hero

Steve Solberg, a single man, has a 5-bedroom home in DesPlaines. He has posted an ad on Craigslist volunteering housing for those left homeless by the hurricane. I don’t think his plan was to be called a hero, but to the family that will use his home, he certainly is a hero.

Jesus said.” I was a stranger, you took me in. (Matt 25:35) ….. Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these, you have done it unto me.” (Matt 25:45)

Sgt Luis Rosado -- son of Val and Willie Rosado, is currently serving our country in the US Air Force. One of our own – A Hero

Ida’s son - Sgt Luis Villaneuva - a National Guardsman, is in New Orleans today helping with the rescue operation. He too, A Hero.

I don’t think any of us set out to be heroes. But there’s no limit to what we can do —great things or small things ---that would be considered heroic to someone.

Today, 1,462 days after the September 11th terrorist attack , we remember and honor all our hero’s: Police, Firefighters, Military and All Public Service Workers who protect us every day

Psalm 91 directs us … to trust God as our refuge and protector. Believers have the promise that God will …”give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways…” Today we pray for all our HEROS---- That they know the truth of God’s love and protection for them…and WE pray for their safety and wisdom.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Beginning

It's not necessarily that I have anything to say, but that never stopped me yet. From time to time I'll tell you what I think-----whether you ask me or not. Look here for the latest advice, comments and my Words of Wisdom!!!